Monday, April 5, 2010
Happy Resurrection Day!!
What a beautiful and glorious Easter we had yesterday!! For some reason this Easter was so special to me. It's almost as if, for the first time in my life, I totally understood the TRUE meaning of the death and the Resurrection of my Saviour!! Thank God for salvation and the hope of heaven! My pastor (and father in law) preached absolutely outstanding Sunday morning and Sunday evening. Kari also sang "Amazing Grace" Sunday evening for the whole congregation. It was precious!
Since the weekend was so eventful I'm just going to post some pictures so you all can get a glimpse of the fun! I SOOO enjoyed catching up with our family on Saturday. Lashei and I were actually able to sit and talk for longer than 2 minutes!! LOL. Anyway, here's the pictures!
The kids were able to visit with their daddy on Saturday. He brought the horse over and they loved it!!
The Easter egg hunt was a blast. It was only Kari and Malachi hunting the eggs but we had a great time hiding them!! :)
Easter morning....heavens. I won't go into details but Malachi had some, uh, problems first thing Sunday morning. After giving him a bath, cleaning the carpet, throwing his clothes in the washer and cleaning the bathroom floor I gave the kids their Easter baskets. They loved them and ate way too much candy before church. Poor Lacey had both kids in Sunday school class too. In addition to the pre-church candy, they also had cupcakes during Sunday school. It's no wonder Aunt Lacey looked ready to keel over during Sunday dinner. :)
Okay, so maybe I didn't just post pictures. I have to talk just a little bit in between. :)
Altogether, we had a lovely weekend. But what we thought was teething for Malachi has turned out to be a stomach bug for both kids. Please remember them in your prayers. Mommy ISN'T happy about working while her babies are sick. If they aren't better by tomorrow, Farmers National Bank will still be standing when I return on Wednesday. At least, I hope it's still standing.
Hey Ash! I love all these pictures! You are an awesome mom and it looks like you had a great Easter! Your kids looked so cute. I really like Malachis hat and Karis hair is adorable. Have fun with the blogging! I'll check in again soon.