Can you believe it? Ashlee has turned me, her mil, Karen lose with her blog???
Oh the things I could do and say!!!! do I want to amuse you or bore you or just update on Kari and go to bed??? First of all, any mistakes I make on this post Ashlee will have to correct for me. I am not a blogger. In fact, this is my first time.
Kari had a really rough weekend as many of you know since we have begged for prayers. Her swelling and weight gain together with the steroids nearly took our "precious princess" as we know her away! Her smiles rarely came. She just looked and acted miserable. Her cholesterol and triglycerides were way too high so they put her on a "LOWFAT" diet. (Do you know how sad it is to take a four year old grocery shopping and her ask, "Mommy can I have some of this or is it too high in fats"? She is way too old for her four years. Course I think we have all aged the past five weeks.) She was too weak to walk. Her breaths were coming in huffs and puffs. Her big beautiful blue eyes were mere slits. She didn't feel up to coming to church Sunday so via Iphone she and Ashlee were able to listen. Pastor David (aka Pappy preached a wonderful message taken for Psalms 23. At the end of the message, Kari looked to her Mom and said, "The Lord is my shepherd, I will not be afraid", Thank God for the little things. Oh for her to have that trust in her Jesus!
So, Monday, when Ash called the clinic they told her to come and let them check her and be prepared to stay. . . . She was feeling better by the time they got there. After a check up, the answer was "this is normal, just more side effects of chemo". Since they had to be at UK at 5.45 AM Tuesday for Kari's port, spinal chemo and a bone marrow procedure, they were allowed to stay at Hope Lodge. Kari just loved this place. From the pictures it looked very nice. Kari and Ashlee had a blast Monday night. Kari was more like her old self and they played and played and played!!! (you have to remember Kari's playing consists of sitting on the bed and playing, she's not very mobile, due to swelling, weight gain and feeling so bad) In fact they played so long they didn't want to get up for their appointment.
Now for the good news!!! Kari was admitted, taken back, the procedure finished, she was in recovery and then dismissed before 12.00 noon. Everything went smooth. She has a port now and Pluto is gone. Not sure what she will name the port. We won't know results until later this week. But... she came off steroids Sat and the swelling has already started to go down. Her levels were over 5000!!!!! And her cholesterol and triglyceride levels are coming down!!!!! Yes, Praise the Lord! For we know that He is in control.
There is so much more I could say but it is late and (tee-hee) I have the password now so I can sneak in and post again! :) Let me end with this, Kari loved the Hope Lodge so good that she talked them in to letting her stay another night. Can you believe it? The kid thinks she's on vacation! Lol!! So she and Ashlee are having another night out. Malachi is with his Daddy and they are having a Father/Son night. Matthew was able to be here for all of this, for this we are thankful.
Kari is very sore from all ahe's been through but doing good. I would like to ask that you pray for Ashlee. Her body is wearing down from the schedule and demands that is being placed on her. Her throat has really been bothering her. I have to say, she is a real trooper. I could never have picked a better daughter-in-law. In fact, I did pick her, lol, years ago! Thank God for our family and friends!
Through it all, GOD IS FAITHFUL!!!! Karen
I'm so glad to hear everything went so well! I will keep Kari & her family in my prayers!
ReplyDeleteWonderfully glad to hear the good news! Karen I think you did a great job on your 1st "blog".
ReplyDeleteIn our weakness He is made strong.Praying for
Super natural strength for Ashlee. luv u All Jane
So glad she is doing much better! If you need anything, just let me know, I'm only a phone call away. Deana
ReplyDeleteWell i think your a natural born blogger !lol Im just so glad to hear the good results. Love and Prayers the Allen family.
ReplyDeleteA mother-n-law that can blog and pray? I say Ashlee is the one that is blessed to have you. Lol
ReplyDeleteMy children and I pray every night for Kari. They don't really remember her much, but they don't forget to mention her name.
Love and prayers,
Amy Parker
I am so glad she is doing some better! We have been praying non stop for her and Ashlee.
ReplyDeleteYay!!!! Nice post, sis! You did a wonderful job. I love you all dearly. Hugs!
ReplyDeleteYou did a wonderful job, Karen. So glad to hear that she is feeling better and is enjoying her little vacation. Praying continually for Kari, Ashlee, and all of you.
ReplyDelete:) Karen you need to start your blog now!! God love little Kari-so glad for the good report. Praise the Lord!
ReplyDeleteKaren you did an awesome job on the blog. Ash couldn't have picked a better person. You and Ash both have a WAY WITH WORDS.....Love you so glad of the good reports. Relying on the Lord to keep moving for little Kari.
ReplyDeleteWe pray for kari all the time and Emily prays for her too. I get tears when I read the blogs sometimes, but rejoice in my heart when I hear the good news.I'm so glad she is off the steroids and I hope it is for good. Ashley you are a good mother hang in there you're doing a great job. Miss seeing you all Savannah and I have been under the weather doing better. Karen you did a good job. I usually don't blog either, but since Ashley is up dating how Kari' is doing I read her blog all the time. Love you all see ya in the morning at old path.
ReplyDeleteplease keep us up to date if you can,praying hard for you all