For day number two, I would like to talk about my family!
First though, I want to add a little something to my post yesterday about FNB. I had NO IDEA what everyone had planned for the kids and I when I expressed my appreciation. I met Chrissy last night and she delivered all the goodies that everyone sent to us from the bank. Perryville branch...thanks so much for your thoughtfulness and for organizing this! Also, Lancaster...thank you for your very special gift last week. You all made me cry!! I was speechless last night and, as everyone knows, that doesn't happen very often. We loved each and every thing that was sent our way and we are grateful!
Now, moving on. My family. They are wonderful and I could tell all kinds of great stories on each person but I'll spare them. Ha ha!!
1. My MIL and FIL. They are amazing and I struggle sometimes calling them in-laws because they're more like Mommy #2 and Daddy #2. Our situation is very unique as my FIL and MIL also double as my Pastor/Pastor's Wife. Bless their hearts...God has blessed them with patience because He knew I would be in the family. I honestly don't know what I would do without them. Given the recent turn of events in our family, I would say that their light has shown a bit brighter as people have watched the way they've handled the situation. They are honest, loving, Godly people and I love them with all my heart. Thank you for being there no matter what...I thank God for you daily!
2. Lacey and Chris...aka, SIL and BIL. It's not only my kids that LOVE these two, but I do too! We've grown up together and been through so much together. Chris is like the brother I never had and I appreciate all of his help and for the man of God that he is. Lacey is like a sister to me as well and she's a wonderful aunt to my kids. The kids would rather be with them than me most of the time. Lacey and Chris, thank you for all of your help in the past 6 months. I'm still praying for your little miracle...I want to be an aunt! I love you all so much!
3. My sister, Brandi. Oh, boy. Where do I begin? In all reality you would have thought we despised each other's very existence on earth when we were younger. Somehow, we learned to love each other (lol) and have become best friends. My kids love their "Sissy Bran" and are glued to her side when we're with her. Sis, thanks for being there for me. Your daily phone calls/voicemails/texts are a highlight during my day even when you don't hear back from me! Ha ha!!! Thanks for the being a wonderful big sister even if I am still the family favorite! (that is totally an inside joke) I love you bunches!
4. Latasha and Lashei. Gee whiz. Where do I even start? I used to babysit you and now you're old enough to have kids of your own. You all mean so much to me and I'm so proud of the way you've let God use your lives. Kari and Malachi are wild about you all (as well as your hilarious husbands)! I love you all!
5. Dad. I'm not even sure if you read my blog, Dad, but here's my tribute to you anyway! LOL! About a month or so ago, God began to do a work of healing in my heart. He has brought you and I closer in the past little bit and I'm so thankful for that! My fondest memories of us is cleaning on your old '79 Fords and me begging you to give me the beautiful brown one when I turned 16. After you finally let me drive it once, I quickly changed my mind!! I couldn't even hold it on the road. I love you, Dad, and I'm thankful for what God is doing. Hoping that our sporadic visits with each other get closer together after things settle down a bit!
6. All of the other family that I'm not gonna name for fear I'll forget somebody. We love you all so much. Each and every one of you mean the world to us. I've heard people say so many times since July that the kids and I have the best support system they've ever seen. They're so all are wonderful!
7. I saved the best (in my opinion) for last. My mom. In trying to type this out, I just sit here and cry and pray that God helps me to lead my children the way my mom lead me. I think of all the times I've taken her for granted and not expressed my appreciation to her the way I should have. I was taught to pray and read God's Word daily by watching my mom do it. If she didn't have time in the morning, she made time in the evening before bedtime. I find myself falling short in that area so often. She was always faithful in attending church and doing what she could to serve and work for God. There's one thing I remember my mom telling me when I was 19 years old and I hold it dear to my heart. I was laying on my bed, crying my eyes out because of a deep deep hurt caused by someone's words. My mom held me and simply said, "No matter what, God is good. We don't understand and we want to give up sometimes but God is good and that's what we have to remember in this life."
To me, that means that no matter what life throws our way, no matter what we may have to face today or tomorrow, NO MATTER WHAT...God is good. And if He is in control (and He is) whatever we're facing will work out for our good.
Mom, thank you for being the best mother in the world! One of the best things about you is your humility. You don't see how wonderful you really are! I love you so much and I appreciate all that you've taught me. Thanks for being there every step of the way.
As you can see, we have a wonderful family! They support us, they love us, they pray for us and they are heaven sent. Thank you, Lord for our family. May we never take them for granted!