Doesn't that sound awesome? The Noe family.....Matthew, Ashlee, Kari and Malachi. All 4 of us together for the holidays.
Honestly, I know all of you that read this aren't Pentecostal Holiness and won't understand this statement but it makes me wanna shout!!!
We're so thankful for what God has done for us this year. God has been so amazing to our family and me and Matthew sit and marvel that we're back together and happier than we've ever been. Ephesians 3:20 has never meant so much to us.
The laughter that's in our home, the Bible reading and praying that we do together everyday, the long talks and Scrabble games me and Matthew have each night after the kids go to blessed can we be? I know that doesn't sound very exciting to everyone but the love, the peace, the contentment, the words can describe how it makes me feel. God has truly done exceedingly and abundantly above anything I could have prayed for.
Lord, thank you that my family is back together. Thank you for the mercy and love that you freely pour out to us. Thank you for our family and friends that mean so much to us. Thank you for just being God....the one true God that is mighty to save.