Thank you, Bro. Davy, for posting for the past week or so for me. You do an awesome job! You're much better at keeping this blog up than me.
What an interesting past few weeks we've had! Last week in the hospital was, quite frankly, one disaster after another. By far, it was one of the worst weeks we've had since beginning this journey but God was faithful to bring us through.
I could do an entire post of the various events that took place during our hospital stay and the terrible time we had while there (although Kari always enjoys her nurses, doctors, and people that come to play with her in the hospital). However, my heart is full of something else when I think about last week.
Galatians 6:2 says this: Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.
This scripture came to my mind last week after some very tough days. Days when the only thing that got me through were the prayers of Godly people. After one very tough night, my nerves were getting the best of me. I sent a text to some friends who I knew would pray with me for calm and peace in the middle of the storm. Not long after I sent the text, Ivy reminded me of Psalms 91. I felt the peace start settling when I read the scripture. About 15 minutes later, my friend, Anna, called and we had prayer together over the phone. The Lord came by and I had an instant calm inside. All week, there were those that lifted me up in prayer and those prayers held me together. If I wasn't before, I'm convinced now that God's people are truly the BEST.
It brought new meaning to Galatians 6:2. When we couldn't hold ourselves heart overflows with thankfulness to the Lord for those friends and family who will go to God in earnest prayer that God might move on our behalf!
When we get under the load of someone else's burden and feel the pain and sorrow that they're facing, I personally believe that God will honor those prayers in a special way.
In Luke chapter 5, it talks about the sick man who was unable to get to Jesus. It was his friends who found a way to let him down through the roof that Jesus might touch him. They had faith that Jesus could heal him and, when he couldn't carry himself to Jesus, they got under the load and carried him themselves. We have been carried the past few weeks!
This precious boy, Chandler, from Virginia prays for Kari every night. From Bro. Davy's previous post, you can see all of the other children that pray for Kari. I've been told that there are so many kids that ask about Kari and keep up with how she's doing. God certainly honored their prayers last week when Kari was so sick. God had his hand on her!
What a privilege for my kids and I to be friends with such prayer warriors. Truly, God has blessed us with such an awesome support system. My heart is full this morning. Full of gratitude to my friends that have carried us. Full of gratitude to God for not only moving for Kari and I last week, but for allowing us to have friends in this life.
Proverbs 17:17 A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.
Church Travel And Friends
13 hours ago