Yesterday, we met Pepaw and Wanda at Cracker Barrel to eat. The kids loved seeing them and were like leaches on Pepaw!
Thank you all for supper! We had a great time and we love you so much!
We take Kari back today to get counts checked. Judging from the way she's acting, I'm sure her counts have recovered even more since last week. We have no chemo until January 2nd and we get to start a new phase...Interim Maintenance II. That means only going back to clinic for treatment every 10 days!
I hope all of you are having a wonderful holiday. God sure has been good to my family!
Well, since nobody's commented on this post yet, I guess I'll be the first. :) I guess of all the pics you could have posted of me, at least this one didn't show me as having more than a couple of chins at the most. :) And I wanted to let you guys know that I miss all of didn't seem like the weekend was near long enough!! :( Please come back and stay wis us....:) Luv u!!