Isaiah 65:24
And it shall come to pass, that before they call, I will answer; and whiles they are yet speaking, I will hear.
I love this scripture!! My mom sent this to me a few weeks ago and it has rolled over and over in my mind. It reminds me that God already knows my needs, my thoughts, my wants, my hurts, my faults (so many of them) and everything about me before I say a word to Him! I love the Lord and I'm so thankful that not only is He my Saviour but also my Father, my best friend, my counselor, my provider and my hope of Heaven!
Back At Our Beach Cottage
1 hour ago
I do so love this scripture, Isaiah 65:24, God is so GOOD to us...I am so thankful that you seemed to have such a wonderful Easter. The pics of the kids are so should post some pics of you & the kids on here also. I love you so much...I look forward each day to reading your newest blog...keep it up!!!